-What was the “scene” right after the war with soldiers returning to their homes?
-After 4 years and 5 months, the soldiers returned finding their homes destroyed. Their homes were in ruins, there was grass growing on the streets and vacant houses of widowed women.
-What were the changes they found?
Their soil was completely dried out, children were made orphans, brides became widows, and many of the survivors among the soldiers were permanently scared in mind or in body.
-What was the status of many African Americans? How were they being supported?
President Lincoln offered a pardon to the african americans and made a new constitution only after 10 % of voters in the state had sworn allegiance to the Union.
-Who was the President? How did he get to be President?
President Lincoln. He presented himself in the elections as a republican candidate like William H. seward and Salmon P. Chase.
-What was the Presidentʼs plan to rebuild the South? What parts of it were similar to
President Lincolnʼs?
In December 1863, Lincoln begun a postwar planning and he proposed a ten percent plan for reconstruction. Each state could create their own constitution only after ten percent of the state had sworn allegiance to the Union.
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